Dealers FAQs

Below is a list of our most frequently asked questions. These are helpful tips that may be useful to you as you make the decision to become a CPS dealer.

I heard CPS buys aggressively, but are hard to fund with.
CPS wants to fund the deal we approve. The two biggest reasons for a funding issue are; (1) overstated income, and (2) overstated job time.
Do we need a dedicated Special Finance Department to work with CPS?
No. Most stores are successful using CPS as long as they complete an accurate credit application including correct income and job history.
What are a few of your program niches?
A few of CPS product niches are:
  • No minimum FICO score
  • True First-Time Buyer Program -- Ghosts OK
  • Freshly filed Chapter 7 BK's that are still open and Open Chapter 13 BK's one year after filing
  • Up to 150,000 miles
  • No prior auto credit needed
  • Kelley, Black Book or NADA --dealers choose
What type of dealer support do you offer?
CPS has experienced marketing representatives that not only know our program, but know the subprime business. Most of our marketing representatives come from the retail auto business and really know how to support your dealership's subprime efforts.
How do I sign up with CPS?
Just contact the CPS Marketing Department at 1-800-304-6812 and we'll get you in touch with one of our helpful representatives.
How flexible is CPS?
If the deal has merit, CPS is quite flexible. We'll re-evaluate system turn-downs or make exceptions on price and deal structures when warranted.
How fast are CPS call-backs on applications submitted?
CPS processes about 98% of applications through our automated decision engine. That means you'll receive virtually instant call-backs.
How long does it take to get a deal funded?
On a clean package with all the "stips", it takes a couple of days for us to finish our verifications. If the package arrives with stips missing, we'll do our best to process as quickly as possible once the stips are received.